Ozark Henry - Together Stronger - We can be heroes



Terror can hit anyone of us, anywhere, anytime .

Without knowing you suddenly fall in a black hole…financially, physically and psychologically … struggling to find the right rope to get out of it .

While some will find quite quickly capacity of rebounding, many others won’t,  their healing pathway ressembling to such a long road into the desert .

On the 5th anniversary of the Paris, Brussels &Nice attacks and twenty years after 9/11… 11 companions-survivors of worldwide Terror Attacks climbed Mont-Ventoux to stretch out how hard it is « to get back on track «  launching a call to international solidarity on togetherstronger.eu

Togetherstronger is the story of our hearts where we all come from … hearts solidar with the sudden Terror horror and the awfull devastating consequences for each victim .

While reaching on to 9/11; through this beautiful video clip of « Heroes by Ozark Henry and a coming soon documentary/movie of survivors of Brussels, Paris and New York,  we wish all hearts worldwide to be solidar with any Terror victim .

Let’s all share the Instagram video’s as from 8 september and invite a maximum of people to give generously on togetherstronger.eu

Let us all be united… more then ever … TogetherStronger

Thank you

Ozark Henry - Together Stronger - We can be heroes
Administrator 7. September 2021
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