Empowering Victims of Terrorism
Guidance, Assistance & Support
This website is dedicated to the Victims of Terrorism.
SOON TO COME: For professionals, academicians, and practitioners, please visit our dedicated website:
Partnering Institutions
V-Europe is mandated by the the Belgian Federal Public Service of Justice for your registration and assistance.
As an officially recognized organization, we work in close partnership with multiple government agencies.

...provides support to all victims of terrorist acts that occur within the EU, as well as European victims of terrorist attacks abroad. While historically V-Europe has primarily focused on supporting victims of terrorist attacks in Belgium and Belgian victims of attacks overseas, its scope now extends to all EU victims.
V-Europe is an International organization registred and recognized by the Belgian authorities to support Victims of Terrorism. It provides personalized emotional, administrative and legal assistance through its coordinator program, established in collaboration with the Belgian Federal Ministry of Justice.
V-Europe actively collaborates with European institutions, including the European Commission DG Justice, and civic organizations to advocate for and support victims of terrorism. Moreover, V-Europe maintains a productive partnership with European Commission DG Home, amplifying the voices of victims in the development and implementation of measures to prevent and counter violent extremism and terrorism.
V-Europe's work has earned recognition in the UN Directory of Organizations Supporting Victims of Terrorism. It partners with international associations, facilitates knowledge exchange, and empowers victims.
Since 2016, V-Europe has provided free and obligation-free support to all recognized terrorism victims, prioritizing those affected on Belgian soil and abroad.